Am I Evil ?

Workshop for writers curated by Alice Ciresola & Simone Basani

Can erotic writing become a place for decolonial and feminist exploration?
How could one embrace the tools of erotic writing to unveil, investigate and question power processes of colonisation, discrimination, nanoracism, marginalization, exoticization, abuse and seduction from diverse perspectives?  

These questions are at the core of Am I Evil?* process writers of all sorts are invited to embark upon. On this journey the group of writers embrace erotic writing as a tool to investigate their own desire, and how this relates to the Other and the Unknow

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/ PAS DORMIR (abstract)

Abject, charming.

I stand in front of you, untouched, faking innocence, in the belief that I can win this twisted game. Right from the start there was a cruel and implicit contract: one of us will have to assume their destruction.

There's delicacy in each of your gestures. The timbre of your voice is like a spell - sensual, calculated, precise. It's as if you're standing behind me. I can feel your breath on my neck, your tongue caressing the back of my ear.

Each time we meet, you're burning the walls to ashes that took me years to build. A feeling urges me to rely on you, on your words, on the elegant movement with which you occupy this space, of which you are king. The last threads that are holding me to myself are just gentle resistances that I'll enjoy ignoring all the more.

It's past 10pm and it's still so hot.

I haven't slept in weeks and I'm hungry.

So hungry.



Somatic writing


No Sleep last night