Somatic Writing is a creative laboratory that intricately intertwines the processes of writing and various somatic practices, developed in tandem with an ongoing art research project through which I investigate repressed affects/memory and hidden images from history.

Within the framework of Somatic Writing, we are actively exploring affective states, and their connection to the body-mind relation. Behind words like dissociation, hysteria, burn-out, I feel repressed affects such as anxiety, depression, or anger. ince ancient times, anger has frequently been repressed, particularly among women, enslaved individuals, children, and members of the lower classes.

In this reflective process, I have sought out women from history, art, and mythology who embody these so-called negativ affects and affirm the necessity of confronting these complex aspects of ourselves that are often regarded as abject or violent. These bodies, perceived to be out of control, urging us to engage with the other within us, alongside all of its unknowns, uncertainties, and vulnerabilities.

In this workshop, we will delve into these often-silenced yet fundamentally essential dimensions of our identities and collective history through a combination of movement and writing experimentations.


Obscures liaisons


Am I Evil ?