Negative Images & sensitive bodies
A research on hidden images of history through embodiment (on going)
This project explores the relationship between the body and the image, seeing them as terrains for exploring the affective and memorial dimensions of human experience. The body, the site of conscious and unconscious experiences, is shaped by social norms, historical violence and the productivist mechanisms of modernity. These repressed experiences are inscribed as sensitive imprints, expressed through “negative images”, invisible but profoundly significant dimensions. This work questions how art can be a space for reappropriating the body and the self, while proposing an aesthetic of obscurity as a critical method in the face of the cultural hegemony of modernity.
The methodology revolves around multidisciplinary residencies bringing together film, the body and writing. These residencies will encourage somatic, visual and sound experimentation. The body will be approached as a receptacle for collective and individual histories, explored liminal states through practices of movement, visualization and sound immersion. The camera, in active interaction with bodies, will reveal imperceptible dimensions, while darkness/light and sound will be used to sculpt sensory spaces where the visible and invisible intersect.
The research will be shared via seminars and workshops, involving students, artists and researchers, and will give rise to an audiovisual installation. Conceived as a matrix darkness, this installation will combine immersive projections and spatialized sound, inviting the viewer to explore other regimes of attention and connect with hidden dimensions of human experience.
/Obscures Liasons,
(abstract from a film voice over)
As I explore the seabed
I met you or I imagine you, I don't remember
A tentacular being that stretch and then retract
Like the undulating snakes covering her head
/ Power of the gaze / Castration anxiety / Decapitation of Medusa
Some says that images survive, come, go and become and that
/cinema is the perfect art for psychoanalysis
/ Scopic pulsion
I remember when my grandmother was like this
Made of lines and unfinished shapes
You could get lost here
Bathroom : immaculate white space where beauty is prepared.
The fabric on which the blood spreads every time
The skin on which the blood spreads every time
A six centimeter cluster of coagulated blood in your womb
"Something in you has hardened"
Something had to be protected
Red tending towards
Brown tending towards
- unresolved stories, blurred, underexposed or overexposed images.
Images. Stories. Shapes.
In the space-time of the mind : my body
An object of desire
A highly toxic identity
An occupied history